Chapter 5

Recruiting Link
Original Artist: Eiji Aonuma (Nintendo)
Game Title: The Legend of Zelda
Music Theme: Hyrule Field

      "Let's get this radar built." said Legendary Wizard as his crew gather some materials.

      "This island have plenty of wood and stone to build it." said Marth.

      "Half of you get wood, the rest of you mine some stone." said Roy.

      The crew assembled a radar with wood and stone, the radar works really well.

      "The radar picked up our next recruitment location, only some of us can go." said Legendary Wizard. "While others need to relocate the radar to Water Kingdom."

      "Okay captain, we will move this radar to a better location." said Water Princess.

      "You need to take the radar apart first before loading into the ship." said Legendary Wizard.

      "Who is coming with you?" said Light Princess.

      "Marth, Roy, and Robin are staying with me." said Legendary Wizard. "You guys go to Water Kingdom to reassemble the radar."

      "Yes captain," said Water Princess.


      "Here we are, the source of Triforce." said Legendary Wizard.

      "Source of Triforce? You don't mean?!" said Robin.

      "I am talking about this Mercenary named Link," said Legendary Wizard, "He is here somewhere."

      "You must be looking for me." said Link, "Dark Tyrant Wizard will pay me some rupees for working with him. Prepare yourselves!"

      "Cut his ribbon," said Marth.

      Legendary Wizard, Marth, and Roy draws their sword while Robin takes out Dark Wizards with Elthunder.

      Roy was able to cut the ribbon which was on Link, the darkness flew away.

      "What is happening to me," said Link.

      "You are freed from the darkness's curse." said Marth.

      "Finally, I am freed. I must stop Ganondorf and Dark Tyrant from cursing others." said Link.

      "Let's return to our home base for further missions." said Legendary Wizard.


  1. Keep in mind readers, Link did join the Legendary Crew after this Chapter.


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